On Thursday, the Senate voted 14-10 to move HB628 to Interim Study, meaning that it will not be sent to the Governor. In a last ditch effort to flip Republican votes, Democrat Senators attempted to use emotional arguments like 'think of the children' to sway their Republican colleagues. In support of the paid family medical leave bill, Senator Feltes said that "The nay-sayers have nothing to go on" when referring to the studies that prove the program's unsustainability. Senator Woodburn told emotional stories about dying parents and children. Republicans mentioned that the bill creates a payroll tax on employers which is difficult to opt out of.
The economic left has been using emotion to try to pass this horrible bill since last year, and they've been working on this program for decades, as the socialist Feltes mentioned just before the vote.
This was a hard-fought victory and we should celebrate it!
We thank everyone who worked so hard to speak with employees, employers, and legislators about this bill.
We look forward to fighting alongside you all in the next fight to repel those who perpetually seek to take away our liberty and our property!