The Statists of the Month for February are the 186 NH representatives who voted to create a state income/payroll tax on Thursday, Feb. 8th. Every Democrat present voted in favor of HB628 which creates a 0.67% tax on income. 21 Republican representatives voted in favor of the tax.
Those 21 manipulative politicians are the real Statists of the Month.
This was the 2nd time this year that the NH House voted in favor of creating a state income tax for NH residents. Interestingly, the politicians have exempted themselves from paying this income tax.
Please email your representatives and and let them know how you feel about having a state income tax in New Hampshire!
Honorable mention: Rep. McBeath, Rock. 26; Rep. Murray, Rock. 24; Rep. Horrigan, Straf. 6; & Rep. Francese, Rock. 18 have proposed HB1668, which seemingly makes it a crime for any establishment to offer a non-approved beverage along with any kids meal. The current language includes only four beverages that are government-approved: “...milk, water, sparkling or flavored water, and juice.”
If these politicians really want to stop all potentially harmful things, they should prohibit the use of vehicles in NH. Vehicles are responsible for killing 1.3 million people a year. As such, there may be no better way to save lives than to ‘prohibit all persons from owning or using a vehicle’.
The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views held by The Liberty Block or any of its contributors or members.