Parents in New Hampshire who do not trust the government to educate their children often choose to educate their children themselves. Currently, the only requirements for home schooling one’s child in New Hampshire are 1) Inform your child's school district that your child will be educated at home and not at a government school or private institution. 2) Parents must record the child’s reading materials and writing assignments and maintain those records for two years. 3) Home schooled children also must complete an official evaluation at the end of each school year, which demonstrates to the government that the parents are capable of educating their own children.
The above representatives have proposed a bill that would increase these authoritarian restrictions on education rights. House Bill 1263 seeks to reinstate the pre-2012 mandate that the annual evaluations be submitted to the ‘Participating Agency’ (seemingly the local private school). This school would then have the power to decide whether the child’s education is sufficient. If they decide that it is not, the home school program is to be placed on probation for a year. If the child’s education is found to be substandard by the Participating Agency for the second year, the program would be terminated and the child would be forced to attend a private or government school the following year. If the parent refuses to send their child to such a school, armed government agents/police are authorized to come to their home and imprison the parents and take the children away. Parents who resist this arrest may end up being killed by law enforcement. As many of my listeners and readers know, police can shoot people who resist arrest.
Though the deciding entity would be a private school and seemingly not the government in this scenario, the parents would still lose control over their child’s education.
You may have noticed that the government can choose how citizens raise their children and that parents could be punished for being irresponsible. You may have noticed that government is perpetually irresponsible, yet they are not held accountable. Do you want your children being raised by politicians? The same type of people who spent 26 years and TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars on the F-35 program. The same politicians who are lying about a bill that would create a state income tax if passed into law? The same type of politicians who ran up a national debt of over $20,000,000,000,000? The government and private schools in New Hampshire have produced a student body consisting of 64% of students who are ‘partially proficient’ or ‘substantially below proficient’? Why are these politicians telling you that they can educate your children better than you can?
If you do not want the government to increase restrictions on school choice and you don’t want home schooling to become more difficult, call and email your representatives and the four sponsors of this bill.
If you are not working, please attend the Education Committee hearing on Thursday, January 25, at 1:00 PM, at 33 North State Street, room 207 in Concord. You will be able to speak at this public hearing.
The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views held by The Liberty Block or any of its contributors or members.