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Calexit Coalition Gaining Momentum

Writer's picture: The Liberty BlockThe Liberty Block

A conservative state coalition pushing for California to leave America — has achieved massive growth. They have doubled in size in just one month. The group has been joined by a presidential candidate and a senate candidate who believe that an America without California would work better.

One month ago, 4 different conservative/libertarian independence movements from Red-state America joined forces to promote a simple message; that an America liberated from California would enjoy a nation that would work more efficiently, and a federal government that believed in states' rights.

The coalition's organizations have been advocating on their social media platforms in the states of Illinois, Indiana, North Dakota, South Carolina, New Hampshire, and Arizona that citizens in their states should not stand in the way of a Calexit — if Californians ever vote for it. In just a few weeks since its inception, the coalition has doubled in size. The small but dynamic group is now joined by activists in the states of Oklahoma, New York, Pennsylvania, and Wyoming, who have pledged to promote the same idea among citizens of their states.

The Liberty Block said “Those of us who have posed the 'Calexit' question to readers in our home states are helping the others to phrase the question so it fits the sentiment of the personality of their state — but the question is still the same for everyone; would you really mind if California left, or do you think it would make America great again by making America STATES again?”

The coalition now has representatives in 11 states, and holds weekly conference calls to help new members fine tune their message to fellow citizens in their state — every Tuesday at 7:30 Central. The goal is to have 20 states with social media pages advocating for an America without a California.

Michael from South Carolina reported that the sales pitch to join the coalition is very easy: “It’s like asking people if they would pose a survey question in their community, asking if people like Chocolate. Everyone is telling me the answer is already YES.” Mike’s story has been a major inspiration for others in the group to develop a message tailored for their state. The South Carolina group grew to 60 members within days after one facebook post that gained 30,000 views, asking fellow southerners if they would be upset if California left the Union. Of course, the large majority of respondents said that they would be thrilled to see California leave the union.

Perhaps due to their rapid growth and large reach on social media (which is already in the 100,000s), some political candidates are mimicking the group's message. They have received endorsements of their concept by Libertarian candidate for President Adam Kokesh, and US Senate Candidate from South Carolina, David Weikle. Additionally, the group has noticed that main stream conservative media is now beginning to pick up the same talking points.

Among the catalysts for the Calexit Coalition's growth was an article that covered them in an Oregon newspaper and the second was the groups’ support of Conservatives in Oregon who are requesting to split the state between the conservative/red interior and the liberal/blue coastal area.

Members of the group published a story explaining how the conservatives in Oregon were right in their desire to “peacefully divorce” from coastal urban liberals who dominate the policies of Oregon. That article reached over 50,000 Facebook users and made people in ‘Red Oregon’ aware that there was a coalition of states that believe the time has come for conservatives and liberals to split — in order to reduce the incredible divisiveness and increase in violence related to political discussions that seems to be on the rise in America. One Oregon conservative said of The Liberty Block article; “Thank you for writing an article that is actually newsworthy. Most our news in Oregon is so liberal they don’t report the real issue”.

After a protest in Oregon between rural conservatives and urban liberals turned violent, the coalition determined that they should consider making a second public declaration. “The coalition of Red States and conservative parts of Blue states has decided to officially endorse the peaceful movement of state borders as necessary to maintain a peaceful, harmonious, and civil society.” In order to reduce the tension in America, progressive states should be allowed to leave an America where a majority of the states are conservative, and conservative areas within far-left states should seek independence within their state, by shifting a border to join a neighboring state or by simply seceding and forming a new state.

The group points out they don’t mean that all states where there are differences between Left and Right should split but only where the situation is “severely polarized” such as; Oregon, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Colorado, and other states where one major urban (liberal) area dictates terms for an overwhelming majority of the land mass of the state that is conservative.

Supporters for “intra-state” secession that are already part of this coalition are ‘Red New York’ (the whole state besides NYC and Nassau and Westchester Counties), ‘Red Illinois’ (the whole state besides northeast), and ‘Red Pennsylvania’ (the whole state outside of the Philadelphia metro area).

The group is deeply concerned by what seems to be the normalization of violence between conservative and progressive voters whenever politics is discussed. “This country, rightfully, is very tuned to knowing…when the right goes too far…I wonder if this country though is also attuned to when the left can go too far.” — Andy Ngo

The group believes that if states consented to California leaving America, the secession of California might cause the United States government to become less polarized and more free by:

1) Forcing the Federal government to recognize that states can leave America, and therefore putting federal politicians on notice that they can’t push their laws on the states as harshly as they have done in the past.

2) Making the federal congress less inefficient by removing the radical leftist California’s congressional delegation from participating in policy-making.

They point to the recent discussion on internet privacy pushed from California as a perfect example of the dysfunction of America that they want to avoid. “Lawmakers who brought California’s proposal to their home states “ran into questions about how has this law played out in California, and there weren’t answers on that,” “It’s not totally a great model to use in other states.”

In order to augment their message of a “USA without a CA”, they have released their new collectively designed memes / graphics — “Wall off Commiefornia” and “time to bail on CA and move to America”

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