On Tuesday afternoon, NHPR reported that the superintendent of the Hampstead school district has banned firearms from school properties effectively immediately.
“We fundamentally believe that there's no place for guns, or weapons of that matter, in our schools in any way, shape or form…”, superintendent Metzler told NHPR.
Metzler did address the clear violation of the 2nd amendment to the US Constitution and the clear violation of Article 2A of the New Hampshire Constitution in the interview: “...if you look through the policy, you'll see that people's Second Amendment rights have not been infringed upon...” He also mentioned that the policy would only prohibit the carrying of firearms into the school itself, meaning that the policy as it stands would allow the thousands of parents who carry every day could still drop their children off near the building.
Anti-freedom politicians in school districts around New Hampshire have been trying to pass an assortment of anti-gun policies and bills for a number of years. A bill to ban firearms from school grounds passed the House and Senate earlier this year and was vetoed by Governor Sununu. After consulting with their lawyers, the Hampstead school district has finally moved forward with their own policy banning guns from their schools.
The schools in the district include Hampstead Central School and Hampstead Middle School.
There will likely be various lawsuits in regards to this policy, and we will do our best to update you as matters develop.
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