In 2017, The Liberty Block radio show hosts half-jokingly encouraged authoritarian tyrants to draft laws mandating that all new vehicles be equipped with GPS-integrated-speed-limiters. The host in this video challenges politicians who stand on the graves of traffic fatality victims while justifying increasingly strict speed limit laws and enforcement mechanisms to utilize more speed limiters and less dangerous car chases and unfair and inefficient traffic ticket programs. On February 22nd, EVO reported that European politicians have clearly taken The Liberty Block’s advice seriously. And once Europe adopts an authoritarian policy, it's only a matter of time before it reaches the US.
As I describe in this video, if politicians cared more about safety than revenue and control, they would abandon the old, unfair, dangerous methods of random police car chases and speeding tickets and progress to a system that simply prevents cars from exceeding the posted speed limit. For years, many cars have been built with GPS systems that display the current speed limit on the screen for the driver to see. Using this technology and speed limiters (also known as ‘governors’ or inhibitors’) the car could limit the driver to the posted speed limit, preventing 100% of speeding violations.
From the article: “Dubbed Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA), the limiters will use GPS data and/or traffic sign recognition cameras to determine the speed limit of the road a vehicle is travelling on. Engine power will then be limited to match this, preventing the car from exceeding the speed limit.”
The issues presented by this program would be decreased control and revenue for the government due to police having fewer reasons to pull people over and harass and pillage them. Politicians who remain opposed to this type of program could be reassured that such a program would give them increased control over the citizenry - by simply controlling the maximum speed that their car could physically move! Keep in mind that throughout the US, any police officer would still be able to pull over any driver they wanted. In fact, any driver could be given a ticket for ‘reckless driving’ for no specific reason other than the cop’s ‘judgement’. Police and politicians would not lose the power and control that they enjoy so much. In regards to revenue, politicians could utilize available technology to regain their powers in this regard, as well. Any time that the speed limiter was activated, the local/state/federal law enforcement agency could be notified. This could trigger an automatic ticket being sent to the address of the registered owner of the vehicle. This system already exists for various speeding cameras and red light cameras throughout the US.
While on the topic of politicians controlling the masses, we should address the next step in traffic law tyranny. Many US states including Florida and New Jersey have proposed making it illegal to engage in any activity other than accelerating, braking, and turning while operating a vehicle (touching the radio, a child or pet, or drinking would become illegal/distracted driving). Not to be outdone, New York State and NYC politicians have considered a law that would criminalize WALKING while distracted. The Liberty Block hosts laughed about it on air and said that it could pass into law. And then Honolulu did pass the same bill.
Laws prohibiting travelling while ‘distracted’ could go much further and may become much more Orwellian, though. Once the government gets ahold of the technology that tracks eye movements, pulse rates, and ‘emotional state’ while driving, it will only be a matter of time before they integrate it into ‘distracted driving’ laws. General Motors is already using advanced eye-tracking technology in their luxury Cadillacs.
Incumbent upon every citizen in the US and throughout the world is eternal vigilance. If we are to preserve freedom, we must adopt new technologies with great skepticism and caution. Politicians will surely employ their greatest justifications, largely revolving around ‘keeping the children safe’. Keep in mind that the biggest threat to our safety IS politicians, law enforcement, and government in general. Once politicians obtain surveillance technology, they never relinquish it.
The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views held by The Liberty Block or any of its contributors or members.